Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

Who are the Disciples of Christ?

Our congregation is affiliated with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). We are a mainline Protestant denomination (similar to the United Methodists, Presbyterian USA, United Church of Christ), with more than 700,000 members in the United States and Canada.

As members of the Christian Church, Disciples of Christ, we don’t have creeds or doctrines. We simply affirm Jesus is the Christ, Son of the Living God. Our founders thought creeds and formal doctrine tended to lead to division within the Church. We think that how we live our faith is more important than what we say. 
We have a passion for the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and we believe God’s direction for us is a lifelong journey, intended to be shared and reflected upon with others.

Our weekly worship is centered around preaching the Word and sharing in Communion, or The Lord's Supper. We practice open Communion, which means everyone is invited to Christ's table and welcome to share in partaking of Communion. We practice baptism by immersion, and we recognize and honor folks who join us from other traditions that practice infant baptism and/or sprinkling. Our worship is mostly traditional, with a keyboard or the organ and a mix of hymns and newer choruses or songs. 

We believe God’s love and mercy are shown to others through us and our actions of compassion, justice, peace, and love. Our church shines when we move outside our walls, and become the hands and feet of Christ. We are blessed by our gifts and our gratitude expresses itself in how we use our gifts, and talents for mission and ministry.

We value unity amidst diversity, not uniformity. We value freedom of belief, and a reasoned, thoughtful approach to faith. We take the Bible seriously – not literally. We encourage a faith that engages heart, mind and soul. 
